Monday, April 1, 2013


My name is Stephanie and I created this blog to discuss some of my favourite hobbies; cooking and baking. My goal is to not only discuss what I prepare for meals and how it was prepared but to share how being a vegetarian in Winnipeg, Manitoba can be very easy, creative and fun!

In most cases, we are sometimes a victim to our routines of where we purchase our food. We sometimes venture out and go to the local Farmers Market to not only support the vendors but also to be introduced to produce that we may not find in our grocery stores. For myself, I love trying new recipes and to try different produce, spices or various kinds of grain! Unfortunately, as I've noticed from most of my cookbooks, some of the unique items that is required for a recipe might be easy to find in California or New York (where the books are published) but I might not always be able to find it here in Winnipeg.  Or, if I find them, I am risking paying over $10 for a large quantity that I might not use again. This problem is what sparked my passion for cooking. I kept asking myself, "Winnipeg must have these ingredients but where can I find them  and without breaking the bank?"  I did not want to be limited to how creative I can be with my food. This is the type of information I want to have accessible to you because i've already done the work and I want to share my knowledge with others who are in the same predicament as me and who love to try new things. Every week, I will post one new dinner recipe and dessert recipe that I have tried (or share some of my favourites) and I will discuss where you can find the ingredients and the cost.

Here is a little information about me, I have stopped eating pork, beef, chicken and turkey since June 16th, 2011 and I have stopped eating fish since October 19th, 2011. Therefore, on October 20th, 2011, I officially became a ovo-lacto vegetarian which means I still consume milk products and eggs but no meat or fish. At this time, I don't see that changing, however, I eat a vegan diet frequently without even trying (or realizing) so who knows! When I became a vegetarian I began the most common 'newbie' mistake and ate mostly pasta which my waist line and even my energy levels did not appreciate. I knew the reason why I wanted to be vegetarian but I needed and wanted to spend more time learning about broadening my palate while staying healthy. Thus, I began learning how to properly feed myself in a nutritious fashion but also to teach myself (and others) that vegetarians eat more than just a plate of carrots.

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